Saturday, September 13, 2008

Show Me...YOU!

Welcome to Day 7 - Show me...YOU!

As previously stated this would entail "a self portrait; your hands; your feet (I know some of you will be all over this one!); a shielded view of you; any way you want to portray yourself will work here."

Once again I had no idea what I'd do for this one. As a photographer, I am so much more comfortable behind the camera rather than in front. So this is one of the last things I thought I'd shoot and post. But I'm doing it for a reason. Not vanity, that's for sure. As I'm getting closer and closer to being ready to get my photography business off the ground I recently invested in studio lighting equipment. That along with the idea for this post gave me an opportunity to take these pictures. I'm including a wide view so you can see the lights and how I set them up. Take note of the bath towel hanging on the entertainment center! I still have to order my backdrop and support. Then I'll be ready for clients and income.

I can't believe this is the last day of this project. I want to thank each and every participant. I also thank all the visitors to my site and to the sites of those who participated. It's been great fun. I hope you all enjoyed it and felt at least a little bit challenged.


karly said...

Great shots, Robert! This week and today. :) I am sure of the success you will have with your photography business. I think we all are. :)

Great photo challenge! I hope you'll host another one!

Carletta said...

Yes Robert, great shots!
I wish you so much success in this new venture into your life. You are going to be GREAT!
Thanks for hosting this project this week. It has been fun. Anytime you decide to do another I'd love to tag along.

Ingrid said...

Nice to meet you almost life, lol ! Wish you good luck with your business !

Robin said...

Great shots, and a very nice looking setup. I can't wait to hear about all your future successes!

Anonymous said...

A handsome fellow you are :-) I know your portrait business will be successful. Not sure I'll get to do today's theme...have out of town company staying with us and I never pre-posted one. It's been a lot of fun this week. Thanks so much for hosting it!

Karen Coutu said...

The second one is my favorite . . . very pensive!

Thanks so much for hosting this photo project Robert! I really enjoyed it and so did Jake.

Karen of the MomDot Street Team

Dr.John said...

Those are great pictures. I feel like I know you.
I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of feet today.

Jeanne Damoff said...

Wow! That's quite a set up! Nice shots, too. I'm impressed with how intentional you're being as you launch your business. I expect great things for you!

Raven said...

Impressive self portraits. I like the black and white best. I've enjoyed your Show Me meme. Thanks for hosting it.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh great pictures Robert! I especially enjoy the b&w one... deep in though. What IS he thinking about.... probably how he should come over to the dark side and cheer on dem Padres!

Lesley's Personal Space
Life's Artwork

Bazza said...

I like your thinking pose! and black and white gives it a different element. Thank you Robert for this weeks challenge, it has been one!

Anndi said...

Thank you for the past week. You've been an inspiration. I'm sending you good thoughts (these are thoughts of a friend) for your latest endeavour...


Anonymous said...

Robert -- I like the second shot of you best. I am partial to b&w photographs for some reason, but it isn't just that, in this instance the b&w has a more personal aura about it.

Anna said...

OK, so I love this one! I love he black and white the best...SO PENSIVE...what could you be thinking?

Anna said...

OK, so I love this one! I love he black and white the best...SO PENSIVE...what could you be thinking?

Anonymous said...

I have been horrendously busy and able to spend very little time on the net, even so, I enjoyed this Photo Challenge and managed to post every day but one. I only see my house for about 7 hours a day, 3 days per week. This was probably my last project for awhile. Thanks for hosting Robert -- and don't forget to come by (unless your first week at school has wiped you out), you've missed my last three SHOW ME posts.

brittaffeldt said...

Thanks for hosting this photo project! It's been fun!!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Those are wonderful shots, Robert. Both pictures of you turned out very nice. Your shirt was the perfect complement to your eyes. The B&W is quite classic. It's also fun to see the entire set-up.

I'm sure you going to do wonderful in your photographic endeavors. You're a gifted photographer.

My final (and late) entry is here. Thanks for hosting this. It's been loads of fun! :D

Martin Brook said...

Nicely done. I, too, like the b/w.
Brave of you to put yourself out there like that!

I'll look forward to seeing what God does in your life as you pursue that,"....which truly makes you come alive."

Digital Polaroids said...

I posted my "Self portrait" a couple of days before this Show Me, but I think the link is worthy.

Askew To You said...

Hi. I found you through another meme project, a link on someone's Ruby Tuesday post.

I'm also working toward opening a photography business. So much to learn. I wish you great success with yours!!

And your selfs are great, especially the black and white.

lynn said...

I'm just like you, I feel much more comfortable behind the camera! Good luck with your business. Life kinda got in the way and I wasn't able to participate the entire week, but I did have fun the days I was able to. Thanks for hosting it!

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

Robert... I finally got this up :P

Thanks for the whole project, I had a great time!

j said...

Oh I HATE that I missed your challenge week. But since this is the first time that I have ever been to your blog....

Next time maybe? Looks like it was very popular!

Congrats on a successful week of memes.


Horsoon said...

Whoa Robert you are setting up a studio! And I think you have done some very good shots there. All the best wishes to your dream of turning PRO!

maryt/theteach said...

Sorry I missed it! Looked like a really interesting meme. Came across you through Digital Polaroids... :)

kbguy said...

great blog mann..get to be linked to u !

kbguy said...

add me too..