Many possibilities came to mind. Family. Vacations. Photography. Exercise. But something lead me to go in a different direction. Music. I love music, as most people would agree. I grew up on 70's rock. Many people are shocked to learn my all time favorite group is Led Zeppelin. But I hardly listen to them these days. I still LOVE the music. Lyrically I have some issues. Fortunately I have no idea what they're singing about in many of the songs. These days I tend to mostly listen to contemporary Christian music. Usually we have our MP3 player shuffling through our catalog of Christian selections as seen below. Or sometimes Julianne's mix of country music.

I rarely play my guitar these days. It's set up on its stand about a yard to my right. Lily likes to come in and strum it. Funny how just seeing it there is relaxing to me.

Come back tomorrow (the last day) to Show Me...YOU. (e.g. a self portrait; your hands; your feet (I know some of you will be all over this one!); a shielded view of you; any way you want to portray yourself will work here)! For all the details from the week, click here.
Mine's up. I had a lot of fun with this one - I took a slew of photographs of things like wine bottles, and books, and blogs, even a candle, but then did a 180 and went with this instead :-).
I forgot to add that I LOVE that shot of the guitar - the close crop really captures "essence of guitar" perfectly.
Back when I was in high school I had a whole Led Zeppelin collage-type painting on my denim jacket. God I loved that jacket...
You - Zeppelin - who would have thunk it! I'm a big fan - got albums tucked away in a trunk. :)
Love the image of the guitar.
Music soothes the savage beast... works for me!
My daughter has been listening to the same CD of music since th moment she was born. It was playing in my hospital room during delivery. I have it on my iPod an it always makes me feel calm and serene. But Chicklet and I are also HUGE Led Zep fans!
Guitars are a beautiful thing.
There are things like your guitar that relax you by looking at them. My dog sleeping on the couch is one of those.
My daughter loves the guitar. No lessons, but she'll sit there and strum a happy tune.. :) Love. Music is the best. I can listen to everything - in fact I make the children take their naps to classical music. My taste covers the board....
good pictures...
Haha, yes, life does seem to get busy at inconvenient times, like when you host fantastic photo projects! :) I've enjoyed looking, even though I haven't had time to comment. And I might try to join in for the last one or two -- relaxing things are always a good idea, and the chance to put up a picture of my feet... :)
I almost went with music as well... but it does so much more than relax me... it makes me dance!
(and sing along)
Thanks Robert!
I thought about music, too. IT is both uplifting and soothing.
Music is a wonderful thing and a wonderful way to relax.
I love the guitar photo!
Led Zeppelin eh, i suppose I'll be giving my age away if I tell you I saw them Live at Knebworth, I would've been around 18 or 19. I was never a big fan, still aren't, but one or two tracks were exceptional.
Nice close up :).
This has been such a GREAT theme for a photo carnival; I just had to pop over and tell you I am SNOWED UNDER trying to get the launch of an ezine up and ready for next week. I SOOOooooo wanted to be part of this, but until there are 48 hours in a day...and my family doesn't need me...I had to give this up :(.
I'll try to play tomorrow (what time does your post go up to link?). You KNOW I have a "self portrait" I'd love to share ;) :).
So thrilled for "Thoughts of a Father" you've had such grand participation :).
I am enjoying so much this project... What great shots Robert. Happy Friday!
Hi Robert,
I'm finally joining in today. Strumming on a guitar is relaxing to listen to. I haven't joined the 21st century with things that play music into your ears :0)
Hey, Robert. Ignore the "take 4" thing. That must have been left over from last time I used a Mr. Linky.
I just posted all the shots for the week (except tomorrow's) in one post! Better late than never, right? :)
Great shots, Robert. I'd have to agree with music. It's been a very integral part of my life, too.
While late, mine is finally up. This has been so much fun. :D
Love it. I thought about putting up an artsy picture of some of my new, very relaxing music, but opted for something else instead. I'm glad I could finally join in!
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