When I'm not hosting photo projects with participants from all over the globe, I live a pretty simple life. By choice. We spend lots of time at home which we enjoy. Yesterday found me out back doing yard work. I trimmed the tree line on our back fence. While cutting the downed branches into smaller pieces, I found several praying mantises scurrying to avoid a trip to the green recycling bin. I individually gathered them onto small branches and returned them to the remaining tree limbs still intact. One of them decided to thank my by offering to pose for me. Off I ran inside the house to get my camera and macro lens. Here's a sample of our brief photoshoot.
Very nice.
It must be the coming out time for these critters since I've seen so many pictures of them lately...they're such great subjects...and you've got a couple of good ones here...especially that first one! Sadly, I never see any real ones around here. I do share your liking a simple life. Oh I may get into a cosmopolitan mood now and then, but then I think about how much trouble it would be to dress for it :-)
Well done!
I'm sorry I missed your Show Me project. I would have loved to join, but was under the weather. I perused your photos and daily themes. Great job! I hope that I am able to participate when you do another project.
Those things creep me out.. but not as much now since I've seen and enjoyed A Bugs Life.. lol
Cool shots! Isn't it amazing how well camouflaged they are? God's artwork.
Great shot Robert! I definitely think they are out and about...my daughter saw one the other evening...but alas, I haven't seen one yet.
Fascinating bugs... such brilliant camoflage. Nice photos.
They're one of my favourite bugs (after butterflies). Well done!
These shots are so cool!!!! Sorry I couldn't take part in your "Show Me" project... I wish I could've. I did check out your posts and a few others though. It looked like a lot of fun. I'l try to be a part of your next project :-)
I haven't seen not one of these guys this summer. I did see on someone else's blog that he felt these were the aliens on cave drawings. Looking at your closeups I see the possibility. :)
Great capture.
Way to host a project!! I'm so proud of you! And I'm so sorry that I missed it! Beautiful images. I need to go back and comment on many of them. You are getting better and better. Wonderful. I might jump on your project late and back track. We'll see what time allows!
To answer your question, NO, you won't get to see any of the fabulous wedding images. They officially belong to the photographer that I'm shooting with. I literally hand my card over when it is full. It kills me but I am getting some invaluable experience. We are shooting at a little inn in the country next weekend. I'm really excited!
Such a fascinating creature. I'm glad he stayed to pose for you.
Those are great! I've never seen one in real life. Maybe Colorado is too cold.
I photographed a praying mantis a few weeks ago. It was on our garage door, so the backdrop wasn't all that spectacular, but it was fun to photograph nonetheless.
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