It was quite the full weekend. For the past few days I've been telling and showing you how we spent our Sunday picking blueberries. On Saturday, we joined some friends for a visit to the Los Angeles Zoo. Except for being a bit hot, we had a pretty good time. Well, until Lily lost her best friend, Snowflake. You can read all about that here. Aside from that episode, and the astronomical price for lunch, we had a great time. Lily seemed to really enjoy seeing the animals. Much more so than when we visited the Santa Barbara Zoo a few months ago. Once again, having family, friends, and my camera made for a great day. Oh ya, and some animals and flowers!
The Darkness I Fear You'll Send
2 weeks ago
Great photos! I love going to the zoo! Come by my site to see my WW.
Great shots as always!! LOVE the first one!
These are all so wonderful. I love that first alligator (crocodile?)... and then the tiger with the open mouth... and then that beautiful little girl pushing her carriage... and the flamingo is wonderful too. They are all wonderful. I posted a link to the National Wildlife Federation's Annual Photo contest. You should enter something.
I love the first lion shot, the second hippo shot, and ALL of the Lily shots.
They are all wonderful Robert. You captured some great images with so much variety.
That leathery skin is a little creepy though :)
I'm with Raven on the open-mouthed tiger. I'm wondering if he was thirsty, yawning, or thinking you were dinner!
Of course little sweet Lily tops them all!
I love the way you caught the lion mid-roll, and that alligator too. The one of Lily with the stroller is really sweet too. I love the look on her face. Great shots.
I was still using my old point and shoot the last time we went to the zoo. It's too hot to go now, but you've inspired me to head back in the fall.
Glad you enjoyed your day. You left with some nice shots there...especially liked the snarling tiger.
You could not have gotten photos any better than these, they are beautiful!
Happy Ww!
Great shots! My favorite Lily-capture is her standing at the stoller looking back, although the funny look on her face in the otherone is great, too!
I'm glad you're liking my series :) I've been trying to showcase the color and texture, so I'm glad that's what you're noticing. (And, yes, the texture on the green was an edit job -- basically every photo post has been edited in Photoshop ine one way or another, some more than others... the rest of the texture in that one was natural, though!)
Okay, so why do my zoo photos look like, well, look like a 3 year old took them and your's look like they belong in a zoo coffe table book? :)
Yes, I love all the pictures.... but the ones of Lily are ALWAYS my favorite. :)
excellent photos... need to make it to the zoo this season...
Obviously Lily was not the only one enjoyed the trip to the zoo - Looking at the photos you shot, you were probably the happiest guy ;)
I don't do the zoo between May and October. Because I don't live in Santa Barbara. :(
We once heard the lion there shake up the whole park with his roar. Good catch with the tiger!
This is a fantastic WW. I want to go to the zoo now.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful family outing with us.
Poor "snowflake"! Hopefully Lily is doing well without her old friend.
Great pics too!
The butterfly pics are AWESOME! I always feel like I've had a major achievement, like walking on the moon or something, when I can get a shot of something that flits. :D
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
Looks like a wonderful day. I really love all the shots. The first one is just precious. I'm sure it's one that just melts your heart! I love the patterns and textures of so many of the others. The delicacy of the butterfly and the light shining through is lovely. Gosh, when you post so many great photos, I could just go on and on and on . . . ! As if I need more reason to ramble! Ha! Ha!
I always love the big cats. I'm thinking the tiger was yawning - great timing. Either that, or he's saying "Yuck, ptooey!!" and spitting something out that didn't taste very good. LOL!
I like that the animals are all very close up. The composition is very good. :D
Looked like a warm lazy day at the Zoo. Great pictures.
These are some great zoo images! :) Have you tried to call me yet? Just checking. I hope you are well...
We are finally home and somewhat rested. I had some pretty cool things come up work wise so I am excited about that and I got hired for another wedding! YAY!
Let's talk soon.
Great photos ...see you in my blog...Thanks.
What great shots! I love the crocodile (or is it an alligator?) with the goofy grin. That lion looks as gentle as a house cat. What a fun day it must have been!!
I loooove the one of the tiger resting her head on that piece of stone...but I'm a leo and that's sorta how I'm feeling right now....ahhh..I need a nap.
I can't wait to get to the zoo here! I love the tiger pictures and the hippo!
That tiger shot is great.. and the hippo! my favorite!
These are fabulous shots! I love them all.
I'm out of town right now, so I haven't been hanging out in the bloggerhood much. Just wanted to swing by and see what you've been up to. I have no idea why you got reflected images in the cross shots. I hope someone had a good answer for you!
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