Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Finally, More Pictures

No posts in a week. Obviously things are still busy. But today was a day off work so I HAD to bring my camera anywhere we were going to go. First we went to Lily's music class which provided a good opportunity to shoot. I got quite a few of her having fun. But I opted not to take pictures of her during her brief meltdown. Everyone got up and marched around in a circle in the room. Lily demanded to be picked up and when it didn't happen soon enough, the flood gates opened.

Next we took a trip back to Underwood Family Farms to see animals, flowers, and pumpkins. Since life is still quite busy, rather than dumping all my pictures into one post as I usually do, I'm going to spread them out a bit. Who knows when I'll get the chance to shoot again. And I also end up posting all the good shots here before Julianne gets a chance to post them on her blog. So for today you get one from music class and one from the farm.

Those of you that are here from the Wordless Wednesday link, sorry, I'm NEVER wordless when it comes to my pictures. :)


Carletta said...

We'll take what we can get! :)

Lily looks so serious playing - but still so very cute.

Your flower is gorgeous!

Don't work too hard this week.

Ingrid said...

What an adorable little girl and sunflowers I always love ! it's my favourite flower !

Unknown said...

They're both great shots, and worth the wait! Saving pictures for later posting is always a good idea, at least in my book... I've barely gotten my camera out lately, but I will be over the next couple weeks because I have 2 or 3 photoshoots scheduled!

Shelly said...

What a great way to wake up this morning...you're the first I popped in to visit and what a treat to see The Lovely Lily, oh..and I really like how the sunflower is cropped - creative guy!

brittaffeldt said...

What a beautiful little musician! Lily's so cute!
And I love that flower!!

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute!

Hope you had a good break from the day to day!

Raven said...

Two lovely pictures. Lily is beautiful. I made it a point (I'm so mean) to take pictures of my sister's kids' occasional melt-downs. I kind of love those shots. Lily is beautiful as is the sun-flower.

Erin Faye said...

Glad you got to do some shooting! I love the sunflower shot, great colour!

Anonymous said...

Lily pictures are always sweet...and that sunflower? Oh...my...I love the color, composition, cropping--EVERYTHING @ it!


Alvis said...

I love the picture of the sunflower.

And the little girl is cute, too. :)

Tink *~*~* said...

What a sweetheart! She's got a nice and thoughtful daddy.

Happy WW

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Minkydo said...

She gets lovelier and lovelier :)

Jeanne Damoff said...

Lily is so precious. And I love your sunflower shot. Nice return. :)

Robin said...

Lily's suddenly gotten so big! She's as beautiful as ever of course.

Love the sunflower, especially the composition.