I'm home. The surgery is over and was apparently a success. I thought it was supposed to end the pain! I'm fine as long as I don't move or breathe. Otherwise, ouch. And I'm afraid my pain meds are still working. Julianne and Lily have been so wonderful and such a blessing. Thanks to all of you that have sent your well wishes and prayers through comments, email, and even a phone call. It all means so much.
Sorry. No pictures. :(
A Cautionary Tale
1 week ago
Hope you are well!!! Thinking of you! :) See you on fb tomorrow maybe??? Rest well!
Yes, thank you for no pictures. ;)
I'm sorry it hurts. Rest and rest some more.
Glad you're home and recovering. I hope the pain subsides soon and you're back to normal in no time!
Glad you are home and safe. I'm sure you will heal quickly, especially with so many people praying for you. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Let me double check ... you knew they were going to poke a hole in you and take parts out, and you thought it wouldn't hurt? Ooookay, then. You'll be having your head checked next?
I'm glad you're home and resting easy. You'll be fine in no time.
Prayers are still with you, and I'm glad to hear the surgery was a success! The first three days of post-anesthesia were the worst, but then things started looking up. I hope your recovery will be even faster!
Afraid your pain medications are still working? They were my best friends for the months preceeding my surgery... I think I still have a paper bag full of the strong stuff, too (that eventually wasn't strong enough, so I had to get stronger prescriptions, leaving the "weak" ones for later emergencies, like migraines).
Praying for your continued recovery.
lol @ quilly's comment. I think I might agree :)
Me too...glad you're home and well. I can imagine the pain...not surprising considering you just got cut into! Hopefully it'll subside quickly. Good thoughts...
I am so glad everything went well, and I hope you make a speedy recovery!!
You, dude, are a TRUE BLOGGER! Barely able to breathe, thoughts blurred by narcotics, relying on a lovingly doting wife to provide all your needs---and you still post. I'll t/b soon.
Very glad to hear all is well (considering). Praise God; obviously you had great prayer cover too!
I was gone and missed that you had surgery. I hope you're completely recovered and will be able to get to the Ventura Co Fair!
I love the Farmers Market at 3rd and Fairfax! There's an Indonesian restaurant there that sells the BEST es cendol I've had outside of Indonesia! and the French restaurant rocks!
Hey! How are you doing today? Continuing to pray for you. :)
I am sure Lily is an excellent nurse. :)
Sorry I missed wishing you well, I haven't gotten much computer time this week. Glad it went smoothly and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Glad all went well. You are SO forgiven for no pix! Of course. Praying for a good recovery. :D
Okay....I'm here now and catching up.
Sorry....totally forgot your surgery....and here I was complaining of a little snot!
Glad all went well.....and that shot of Lily is adorable!
But I have to say....was totally looking forward to a pic of the "old part"!
Hi Robert...sorry for the late reply but I have been following your recovery from surgery here and on Julianne's blog...and glad to hear that you are recovering. Just wanted you to know that you have been in our prayers and will continue to be.
God Bless you and your family...and keep you safe in the palm of His hand :)
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