Last Saturday we drove from where we were staying in Medford, Oregon, up to Julianne's cousin and her husband's (Debbie and Ron) place up in the city of Rogue River. The house is on 30 acres of land. Several of us went for a walk down near the creek. Donna (Julianne's cousin Perry's wife) and I were armed with our cameras and lenses and were ready to shoot. Aside from the heat we had a great time and stumbled upon lots of great finds. Here are my favorites from our walk.
Debbie and Ron's home in Rogue River

The path leading to the creek

This woodpecker easily got our attention.

I was so excited to see these two down near the creek. One of them stuck around for quite a while so I could get lots of great shots.

I think I'm being told what he (she?) thinks of me taking so many pictures

Julianne's cousin, Perry, didn't want to scare the deer away and stood very still like this so we could keep getting many great shots. Whata guy!

They're all wonderful. I don't even want to pick a favorite... but some of those deer pics are awesome and the woodpecker and butterfly are great and the berries... and Perry is noble and brave standing still like that. Lots of beautiful shots. Glad you had fun.
Wonderful shots indeed. I love the perspective on the shot of the path.
Gorgeous house too, and 30 acres, my god, that would be an entire town in Israel LOL.
Wow. I covet such a time away. :)
Beautiful pictures. I can't wait to show Ron the deer ones.
And, that Lily? Oh, how I have missed seeing her smiling face! I am waiting patiently for all those pictures you took of her. :)
God's country! You brought back some gorgeous photos. I can't wait to see more.
I'd guess, judging by the lack of bumps or horns, that the deer was female. Be that true or not, it sure was patient and an excellent model.
Nice to see Lily again. I have missed her.
You got all these on one walk - I'm jealous!
You must have much much more wonderful stuff to show us - looking forward to it.
Once again - welcome home.
What a fruitful (no pun intended) walk! The house is beautiful...the deer pics terrific. I can't believe how people friendly that one was! I particularly liked the shot where you caught his tongue sticking out.
Great shots Robert...looks like a real relaxing time away!
Looks like a great time. The photos are beautiful, of course. It looks like a place I'd love to be. Very relaxing and calm. Glad you are completely on the road to recovery now. How wonderful for the three of you to get away. :D
Wow, that house is georgeous!!! Beautiful picutres, that yard is a photographers dream!
Great shots! It looks like a good time!!!
Thanks for all of the wonderful photos! I love the deer shots- well done! I'm glad you are home.
Fantastic shots! Those deer pictures are amazing. It's lovely they let you get so close for so long. Thanks for sharing.
I was in medford almost exactly one year ago. I have family in Yreka and we would go shopping at the Rogue Valley Mall (no sales tax!)
It's so pretty up North... all green. Socal is ugly - I'd move in a second. (how negative I am... hmmmmm)
Wow, what a beautiful certainly got some great shots of flora and fauna, well done!
Hi Robert, what a wonderful tour and a magical place to visit!! your photos and in particular your insects just never cease to amaze me!! I've told you before and i'll tell you again, i am ALWAYS inspired by your work and learn every time i come here!! thankyou. You have a shadow shot on the deer - you should join in!! ;0) Happy birthday to your darling little girl and what a clever mummy and aunty with the panda cake. Happy day to you. :0)
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