Sunday, May 25, 2008

Y is for Yi-yee's Toys

I have my daughter to thank for tonight's post. Here it was, early Saturday evening, and I still had nothing ready to post for Y. I considered something yellow. Or dare I say, looking through my archives for something yellow. But every yellow picture I have got posted for Anna's Project Yellow. But then I thought of my daughter. Some of you may have read this on Julianne's blog so forgive me for being redundant. Lily has recently started saying her name. But the letter L is still a little hard for her so her name comes out as Yi-yee. We've got to record that. It's so stinkin cute. Anyhow, when using my new toy tonight (no, I'm not talking about the macro lens) , I shot about 80 pictures before I found these on the coffee table and decided to shoot them. And I'm glad I did. I love how they came out. Thanks Yi-yee!

The above image is my favorite of the dozen I took of these.

This was a close second.

This was probably my least favorite of the set but I'm posting it so you can see the wide variety of lighting results. Here, all four lights were on giving a direct more evenly lit image. Although lit very well, I find it has much less character than the above images.

Please visit Quilly's Pacific Paradise for more Alphabet Photos.

Click HERE for all my Alphabet Photos.


Melli said...

Ohhhhhh COOL! What a TOY!!! (Daddy's -- not YiYee's!) I reckon I could have some fun with that! I do agree with you on the 3 pictures -- the bottom one is a little harsh. I like the top one the best too.

Dr.John said...

As usual your pictures are outstanding. I see that one of the toys is yellow so all the bases are covered.

Ingrid said...

Nice job ! very cool ! I train myself with the cats ! It's difficult to shoot pictures of them especially in macro mode, they move !! even when you think they don't, lol !

juliana said...

i quite agree, the lighting works best for me in the top picture.

Baba said...

Hi Robert, Your shots are great for today's letter of "y'.. Lily is so cute saying her name..thanks for sharing with us...

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Excellent shots! I agree about the lighting. The third one is almost surreal in its crazy brightness. :D

Anonymous said...

I yove your Yi-yee yhotographs! The top photo is my favorite as well. The bottom one is much too harsh and revealing. I am everyday amazed at how you can take something inanimate and ordinary and give it life and expression. Very well done.

Shelly said...

Yi-Yee..that is really cute. I see what you mean about the keep talkin' and I'll keep learnin'...thanks!

Carletta said...

Robert - I just have to tell you when I see your photos all I want to do is get out my camera and practice!
These are such colorful images - I agree that #1 is the best. All the light in the third just isn't as interesting is it.
I laughed when you said you took about 80 shots - I long for the day when I can take five or so and know that one in the camera will be good enough when I download them - ha, ha!
Great job!!

Lacey Lichi said...

I can hear your daughter saying her name- that IS too cute! Love the top shot. You need to frame and sell a series of children's toy pictures. Find a cool, upscale toy store and I'm sure they'd sell! How are you liking your new toy? Looks like it could be a lot of fun!
P.S. the tree picture that you like was just shot "tree hugging" while shooting wide open. I just lean against the tree, put my camera right on it and shoot up. It does look like water though!

Anna said...

These looks great! I am glad you shot them Robert! Have a wonderful week!

Karen Coutu said...

I agree. The first one is my favorite also. Very good thinking to come up with such an original "Y."

Anna said...

I added one more image that I forgot to post...

Thanks so much for all your comments about the images. I was incredibly nervous but felt very relaxed by the time the day roleld around...

I hope that shows!

Martin Brook said...

To echo all the other comments; you are certainly taking some magnificent photos! Must be all that good equipment----Just kidding! Great job; you are truly gifted (and practiced, certainly) in this arena. I look forward to see how you use it over the years.