Wednesday, May 21, 2008

V is for Victory

It is with a very heavy heart that I write tonight. I came home from shooting the picture below to have my wife give me the devastating news the Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter, Maria, died earlier today in a horrible accident. Julianne wrote about it as well so I encourage you to read more about it here. I hope you will join us in keeping the Chapman family in prayer during this incredibly difficult time.

The cross above can be seen overlooking the San Fernando Valley. I pass it everyday on my way to work. Often, when I leave early enough, I can see the rising sun right along side the cross. Tonight I did some long exposures of it to bring out the detail in the hillside. In doing so I almost washed out the light from the cross. But that light needs to shine brightly. On days such as this, these words resonate deeply within:

O victory in Jesus,
My Savior, forever.
He sought me and bought me
With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him
And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory,
Beneath the cleansing flood.

Please visit Quilly's Pacific Paradise for more Alphabet Photos.

Click HERE for all my Alphabet Photos.


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear brother, how very fitting you took those shots tonight...coincidence is another way God show's us His way and love.


Anonymous said...

I love the way the light lines up behind the cross. Jesus is the way and the light.

Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful shot and message for "V" ... Such terrible news. Another dear blogfriend lost his adult son to a heart failure this week. It is just sad.

Melli said...

That is an awesome photo... but He is an AWESOME God.

The news about the Chapman family is just heart-breaking! I praise God that they ARE a Christian family! That boy is going to NEED the love of our MIGHTY God to help him get through this!

Dr.John said...

At times like this it is good to know there is Victory in the cross. We will certainly keep the family in prayer.

Anonymous said...

I am sitting here and can't figure out exactly what to say.
(I also posted this to Julianne's site.)
We will be thinking of all involved and keep you in our prayers.
I pray for Maria's journey to God along with her Brother's journey on Earth.
This is such a tragic thing to happen.

Carletta said...

A very fitting and heartfelt post Robert.
Your photo is glorious.

Laura said...

wow. we don't have anything like that around (haa) these parts. ; )

Great shot.

karly said...

No words, just prayers. My heart aches for the Chapman family.

We DO have victory in Jesus. Nothing else is more precious.

Anna said...

I heard about Steven Curtiss Chapman's daughter today to... It made my heart hurt. Beautiful picture though.

Lacey Lichi said...

Isn't that just horribly sad news?! I can't even imagine. Very fitting picture. Our thoughts and prayers will definitely be with them- ESPECIALLY her brother.

I really enjoyed the pictures below. You nailed some very good angles! I uploaded some "cold tone" prints today and will try and get them e-mailed tonight. We've had a little bit of a weird 24 hours so we may have some family time tonight. If not today, then tomorrow. I am ready to find a little solace in my lens and the world through others lenses.

Ingrid said...

Of course I don't know the Chapman family but it is always horrible to loose a beloved one !
Your picture is beautiful !

juliana said...

there's little one can say on such occasions... a very fitting post!