Saturday, May 3, 2008

C is for My Addiction

I was looking high and low for C earlier. I took pictures of calla lilies. And my cat. And my dog (canine). My crying child. A colorful rose. And a couple of leaves. I had to take a break and get ready for our guests that were arriving to play Mexican Train with us. As part of my prep, I decided to roast some coffee for the occasion. Oh ya, coffee begins with C! How could I have overlooked that.? After all, I am a self proclaimed coffee snob.

Please visit Quilly's Pacific Paradise for more Alphabet Photos.

Click HERE for all my Alphabet Photos.


MaR said...

Wonderful shots, I can smell that wonderful and unique aroma!!
My C is posted here

Karen Coutu said...

I don't drink coffee, but I absolutely love to smell the aroma (and ice cream . . . I love to eat coffee ice cream). That is a great shot. It looks like it should be in a magazine ad. Great job!!

Melli said...

If you HAVE to have an addiction - THAT is the one to have!!! I LOVE coffee too! I'm only a moderate snob though... It's more like there are certain brands that are sO BAD that I won't drink them! NOT that I must have ONLY a certain kind... and I really do enjoy trying new coffees -- even though I may not like them all!

Your photos of the beans are very nice - as always!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Now I have to go to Starbucks. You've just cost me $6.00 and 200 zillion calories!

Melanie said...

Oh yes, I have that same addiction! But, I guess compared to other stuff coffee isn't so bad.

Our Happy Happenings
Livin' With Me

Minkydo said...

What a great shot!

My C post

Unknown said...

Mmmm, one of my favorites yet... I think I shall go make a cup for myself!

karly said...

Yum. :)

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I really REALLY dislike the smell and taste of coffee... and I really REALLY like the photos you took of the beans. Very creative.

Anonymous said...

Whoof!! Cool piktures. I don't drink coffee, just water. !BARK

Martin Brook said...

Great shots! Simple, straightforward, artistic! Here today, ground tomorrow :(