Thursday, May 29, 2008

40 Words or Less

I originally showed interest in this challenge. Until I read the details. I erroneously thought we were to read a prompt and go take a picture to satisfy the prompt. Later I discovered the rules to play along are to look at the prompt picture and respond in either a caption, title, short story or poem in 40 words or less. Most players seem to choose poetry. So then I had no intention of playing along. Poetry? ME??? Ha ha. But after a personal group email urging participation, I said what the heck. I went out to the garage and found my old teacher supplement books (which will come in handy next year-that story will follow soon). I dug out my Poetry Party book that I used to use to teach my third and fourth grade students. After thumbing through the descriptions of each type of poem, I decided on a limerick. In case I actually butchered it, maybe I shouldn't have told you that. So, here it goes: (Disclaimer: None of the preceding words count toward my 40 or less!)

***UPDATE: The picture below belongs to the hostess, Robin, at Pensieve.***

I see a big hole in the sky

For my stature it's way too high

The defenders prepare

To lay out their snare

It's now that I wish I could fly

Click the button above to see all the players.


karisma said...

Cool! Just what Robin intended! I think you may just be this weeks winner! Congrats.

Trog and Troggy said...

Very Good! I enjoyed the pre-40 Words or Less commentary a lot too! Toooo funny.. well said!

Erin Faye said...

Good job! Very creative.

Laura said...

FUNFUNFUN!! I love it!

Carrie @carrieloves said...

That's great, very creative!

Robin ~ PENSIEVE said...

Ooooo, Robert--BRAVO & BONUS POINTS for your first Friday's 40! A limerick??? Wahoooo~~~ :).

You did great, friend...glad to see my favorite poetic genre is teachable to third & fourth graders, lol. And grown-ups ;).

Thanks for joining in and I'm glad you stepped outta your comfort zone!

karly said...

Okay. So you are a photographer AND a poet? Julianne is one blessed woman! :)

Great job, Robert!

juliana said...

wow! this is just perfect, the photo and verse :)

Peculiar said...

Okay, this is way cool. Good job! Now I want to navigate your site, see what you're all about. Thanks for playing. Congrats on your first time!

Anonymous said...

Robert, you set me to chuckling this morning.

There once was a photographer guy,
Who penned a poem of the sky,
He thought the task daring,
But he still tried sharing,
And proved one should always try!

Just goes to show, you don't know what you can do until you do it!

Anonymous said...

Nice poem....would have never known you were a bit "rusty"!

Dr.John said...

Now that is a good poem or limerick or whatever.

Martin Brook said...

Great job! I knew I should have skipped this week....with such new, competition. I feel like a Pool player in one of those old movies like The Color of Money...."Oh, you're new at this! Sure, I'll bet 50 bucks!"

Excellent job!

Anna said...

Very Very nice Robert! :) Love the pun intended!

Gattina said...

Applause, applause ! to your poeme creation ! I love your picture I never thought I would find a basket net romantic, lol !
I never tried to do a poeme in English, it's not my mother tongue and
I think that would be
too difficult for me

Carletta said...

Will your talents never cease!
Love the poem - Robin had a great idea and you followed through extremely well!

Kim said...

So glad that you jumped in! I too did a limerick. Don't remember ever writing one before but I'm sure I did in school at some point in time.

Love what you came up with. So completely different from mine.

Again, glad you're here!

Melli said...

WOW! Not bad! Not sure I could do it on such short notice!

storyteller said...

Very cool response this week. I love your limerick! Seems like Robin said she liked to write them too … so maybe I’ll give one a go on a future 40PC challenge … though I do love writing Haiku, especially on Fridays ;---)

Thanks for your visit to and comment on mine at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,