Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Anticipation of Spring - Wordless Wednesday

As we all wait for spring and spring flowers, here's a look back at captures from Spring 2006. I'm eagerly awaiting this spring to see what new visions I can find. Enjoy.


Pamela said...

I saw crocus blooming down the street. Hope it stays cool, so the blooms will stay forever

Anonymous said...

Those make me optimistic that spring is not to far in the offing!

Happy WW. :)

Shelia said...

I can just feel the velvety blossoms and smell the sweetess. Can't wait to hit the dirt!

Happy WW! :D

Stephanie said...

Beautiful flower pictures! After receiving 8 inches of snow today - I'm MORE than ready for Spring. Thanks for the great pictures and reminding me Spring really is comming

Anonymous said...

These are stunning, Robert! Beautiful work!

Anonymous said...


s i g h

one of my favorite "adult" flowers.

And the pansies? I can remember when I was little my grandmother called them "kitty faces" and I thought that was MAGIC!

Thanks for bringing an upward curl to my lips with these beautiful images :).

Gabriel said...

Beautiful pictures. The city plants THOUSANDS of tulips here in Waterloo every spring, it's a beautiful display.

Thanks for having visited my post today: "Soccer stars".

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Beautifull tulips

Will you visit it mine Thanks

Juliana said...

I will make photos of tulips also later, after my vacation maybe :D Nice pics.

Hope you visit mine also :D Thanks

Anonymous said...

Excellent, Robert. Such cheerful colors, too.

Pulchritude said...

very lovely photos. as beautiful as the song backgrounds here. Godbless

Jen said...

WOW, you take amazing photos!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping by! the story behind that pic is we all dressed up in costume one day and came to work. one of the ladies wore that one - which SHE MADE! we posed her in the VP's office, and the cooperative lighting and her posing did the rest.

All in a day's work. ;)

Shannon said...

Spring flowers! Is there anything more lovely? Spring flowers are one of the things I miss most living in the tropics, no burst of color and life after the colder winter months.

Natalie said...

Beautiful flowers!

I loved your response to my Roger Clemens sign picture! LOL! Too funny!

Robin said...

Gorgeous. Bring on spring!

Anonymous said...

Those are gorgeous! Great job with the close ups!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Flowers can always cheer you up!

Anonymous said...

These are so gorgeous. Just what I needed to see this morning. We've had a harsh winter here in MI. I'm so ready for flowers to start popping out.

Unknown said...

So very beautiful and help take the snow white images out of one's mind for a minute and remember that spring will be here soon. I love the detail on these shots, outstanding composition.

Hope you'll visit the Cafe, this is only my 2nd week doing WW but I love it.

Jen said...

Those are so pretty!! Much better than looking at the snow here. LOL

Utah Mommy said...

Oh my beautiful flower bud and the flower bloom. I can;t wait to see them on spring! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

I love tulips...they are my favorites

Anonymous said...

You really captured those flowers beautifully!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I can't wait to see the spring flowers too. Usually in March we start to see daffodils everywhere, even in the wild. They are so beautiful and do so speak of spring.

Diana said...

Oh...those are gorgeous! I can't wait for spring!!

Rebecca said...

Wow, those are beautiful. I can't even pick a favorite, I love them all! Happy WW :-)

Melanie said...

I certainly can't wait for spring!Our Happy Happenings
Livin' With Me

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love the pics!
I am dreaming of spring and warmer weather everyday...thanks for reminding me...I needed that on such a cold, dreary day here in Pa!

Robyn Jones said...

Those are some really cool pictures...and MAN spring couldn't come soon enough for me...don't know about summer though....
Great music as usual!

mjsterling said...

Oh I can't wait the spring...love all the photos..great shot.

Pretty Sunset
Simala Church

Michelle at usr-bin-mom.com said...

Those are so beautiful, though I really love your header photo the best. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice. I love tulips.
Thanks for stopping by my WW and always commenting.

Autumn said...

Fantastic pictures, I love the rain drops on the pedals.

Unknown said...

Oh those are breathtaking! I love tulips and can't wait for spring! :)

Andree said...

My favorite is always pansies, especially your pansy with the rain on it. I even named a cat Pansy! This was a pleasure to view on a day which brought another foot of snow and stranded me in the house. My WW is here. Thank you.

Erin Faye said...

They are so beautiful! I love the colours.