Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Take a Break from Winter - Wordless Wednesday

I thought some of you might need a break from winter and enjoy some shots from Hawaii. Once again I couldn't decide on just one picture. Enjoy.

Wordless Wednesday website


Anonymous said...

Beautiful, all three, but I think my favorite is the hibiscus. Mmmmm, seeing those pictures makes me want to visit myself!

Stunning, as always :).

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Great photos. Nature is powerful...

My WW this week challenges you to take a vacation where nobody has been before! Are you interested?

Happy WW,

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

beautiful all three - I couldn't chose either. Very hot in Australia today. Snow is cool

D. Renee Bagby said...

I love the turtle and the other pics are very soothing. Thanks!

happy WW!

Shelia said...

The beautiful hibiscus has me yearning for Spring. I load my garden up with them every year.

Happy WW! :D

Anonymous said...

Robert, I could swear I know that turtle personally. They're all great photos, and I can see why you couldn't pick just one.

Unknown said...

Lovely photos, colors are stunning indeed! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

After 4 days of blizzard those were nice pictures to look at.

Stephanie said...

A very nice set of photos! Thanks for giving us all a mini-vacation. :)

You can see my post here.

Anonymous said...

Its beautiful, I like the second image.

Shannon said...

All 3 pictures are great. I really like the coconut trees the best. Coconuts grow in the tropics worldwide, but they will forever remind me of my time here in Jakarta. My three year old is so enamored of coconuts that he shouts "COCONUT TREE!" every time he sees one as we drive around town. And yes he can tell a coconut from the hundreds of other types of palm trees here.

Anna said...

What a gorgeous pictures...Great shot...not only great but it's excellent....Thanks for sharing and Happy WW.

Mine is up too:
My Digital Snapshot
Let's Laugh Together

Anonymous said...

I think I know that turtle...is he living at Gumbo Limbo Park? Happy WW.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I love Hawaii! My hubby and I keep talking about going there on vacation!

Gabriel said...

Beautiful pictures, Robert!

Thanks for dropping by, have a great WW!

Utah Mommy said...

Lovely and great photos you got here. Thanks for sharing them to us. Happy WW!

Joyismygoal said...

Oh what a nice respite thanks for the summer vacation

Camera Totin' Idiot said...

I'll take the palm trees. I feel warmer already.

Robyn Jones said...

Man...do I need a break from winter.
Thanks...(-40 here today...)

Natalie said...

Oh, I wish I could take a break from winter! That would be lovely!

Come visit my WW post if you get a minute! :)

Anonymous said...

I like them all, so I can see why it was hard to decide. :) Happy WW! Mine is up too. Something "hiding"...come see.

Danielle said...

Oooh, the last one is just gorgeous.

Happy WW~

Misty DawnS said...

Gorgeous photos with fantastic colors! If you don't mind my asking, what camera do you use?

I love your blog header too, by the way.

Eve said...

Thanks for the break. The cold and snow are becoming really bo-o-oring!! Not to mention how hard it is to get outside. I'd like to sit and watch that turtle for a few hours.

Anonymous said...

Hibiscus, palm trees and sea turtles can all be found in my home country Malaysia. And hibiscus is our national flower! Thanks for sharing. :D


Anonymous said...

You wouldn't rather be in Michigan enjoying our 11 degree weather? We're expecting about 10 inches of snow tomorrow. It's going to be a winter wonderland!

Your photos are gorgeous.

Dottie said...

Wow! Beautiful photos. Never been to Hawaii... looks much more appealing than the blowing snow and ice that we have right now.

Betty said...

Thank you for posting those beautiful pictures. Spring will be here before we know it.

Thank you for visiting me today and leaving a comment. I hope you will visit often.

Blessed! said...

Great photos!!! I hope you have a great weekend!!

Patrick B. said...

Beautiful! I especially love the palm trees.

Unknown said...

So nice of you to throw such beauty in the face of someone who lives in the dessert. No, really. Quite wonderful that you've caused me to think of another place I'd rather be...*giggling* Loved the music, extraordinatry fotos and appreciate so much your visit. Happy WW on Thursday ;)

Erin Faye said...

Those are beautiful pictures!! I love the turtle!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by, and may I say I am so glad you did because your photos are my favorite this week! I love the turtle!!!

Dragonfly Kisses said...

beautiful! I love the turtle picture.


they are very pretty pics. i like tt very much.

thanks for visiting my entry.

TR Ryan said...

Hey you've got an Honu! Great pic of him! (or her)

Unknown said...

very pretty! It was my first week doing WW, and it has been fun!

Gattina said...

I certainly need a break from winter ! Your pictures show me that there is still hope it will end. I present you my condolences for the lost of your family ! I read in the newspaper they were eaten up by a dinosaur how terrible !

Anonymous said...

I saw you comment on sticky apples WW post and came over...
What a great way to wake up on this wet Friday morning in the Holy Land... Shalom from Israel, Beautiful pictures and choice of music... I think I will play it again. Blessings.

peteej said...

Great shots, but my favorite is the palms. I'm as sucker for nice sunsets and palm trees.

Thanks for stopping by my site!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so jealous! Our weather has been just terrible- I wish I was there.